2. Platz More! Writing Competition

von BG/BRG Sillgasse
17. März 2022
Preisverleihung Writing Competition


Wir gratulieren Jakob Dantine (4E) sehr herzlich zum Erreichen des zweiten Platzes bei der More! Writing Competition. Ausgezeichnet wurde sein Text zum Schreibimpuls „Lockdown“, bei dem er durch seine besonders kreative Herangehensweise an dieses Thema überzeugen konnte. Vom Helbling-Verlag wurde er dafür als einer von mehr als 3.400 Beitragenden mit einem Schreibset ausgezeichnet. Congrats, Jakob! Keep up the great work!



Hier sein Text zum Nachlesen:


It is a lovely and sunny day in April 2020. A spaceship is landing near Innsbruck and some politicians of the galactic council walk to the old town to get to know humanity. On his way one of the members of council sees some big museums and wonderful theatres, but they are all closed. There are also some cinemas and newly constructed schools, but nobody is in them. There are people. But they are all a little bit weird. They are waiting in long queues in front of supermarkets, and nobody is talking to each other. Nobody has got time to talk to another person. They are maybe busy? He thinks that they look funny. They are all different: some are tall and thin; the others are small and fat. But they all have a frozen facial expression. All people wear a warm mask on their face. He looks through a window into a house: in each room there is a human looking at a computer. They are talking to the computers! Contacting the people is not possible.

Disappointed he leaves the old town and goes back to his spaceship. He thinks: those humans are so boring! They have theatres and museums, but nobody seems to be interested. They have a lot of schools, but no child is interested in education. They are living together but they are not talking to each other. He shakes his head and flies back to talk to the galactic council.

What he doesn’t know, on his spaceship is a stowaway: Sars-Covid 19…