“In eighty days around the world”

von BG/BRG Sillgasse
11. Mai 2022

I was honestly very surprised, what I thought would be a boring play turned out to be pretty interesting. Even though we sat in the very back of the theatre I could still hear everything. I was also very impressed by the surprisingly good acting skills and the script. I could follow the story very easily and I found myself at the edge of my seat being hooked by the story. They also only had few props but they used them very clever, like the time when they imitated a train only with umbrellas.

Renè Mair 4a

English Theater 2022

We went to see the play in a big theatre and there were many students, probably even some from other schools. I was very excited for the play because I was curious about the story. I didn’t know that much about “In eighty days around the world” before. I was able to understand the actors and they spoke very clearly and they interacted with the audience too – that was the best part, because it was very funny. They added some little things, like probs, and other realistic things – for example that they have a job or were out of money. The play was quite interesting and I loved that the female actors played male roles.

Sina Czerner 4a

English Theater 2022