Friendship, Love and Deception: Roxie and Cy’s Urban Tale

von BG/BRG Sillgasse
02. April 2024

Friendship, Love and Deception: Roxie and Cy’s Urban Tale (by Batuhan, Katarina & Milica)

The play "Roxie and Cy” offers a captivating journey into the complexities of love, friendship, and self-discovery against the backdrop of urban England. Sean Aita's adaptation of the timeless "Cyrano de Bergerac" weaves a compelling narrative that feels both familiar and refreshingly contemporary.

Set in the gritty Midlands region, the play follows childhood friends Roxie and Cy as they navigate the challenges of their environment. Roxie's academic pursuits and dreams of becoming a teacher contrast with Cy's involvement in rap competitions and his neighborhood gang, ST 16. However, their bond is tested when Roxie falls for Kris, a charming fitness trainer, leaving Cy struggling with one-sided love.

What sets "Roxie and Cy" apart is its nuanced exploration of relationships and identity. The chemistry between the lead characters is palpable, thanks to standout performances by the cast. The dynamic portrayal adds depth and authenticity to the characters, drawing viewers into their emotional journey.

Aita's direction shines as he skillfully blends elements of romance, drama, and comedy. The play's modern twist on the classic tale feels fresh and relevant, tackling themes such as loyalty, deception, and the power of words in the digital age. The urban setting adds to the play's authenticity, providing a rich backdrop for the characters' struggles and triumphs.

For me personally, some might agree with me that the theater play "Roxie and Cy" only had one downside, and that was the abrupt and open-ended conclusion, leaving viewers craving closure and resolution to the characters' fates. Furthermore, the desire for a more definitive ending detracted slightly from the otherwise captivating experience of the play. Overall, "Roxie and Cy" is a must-watch for fans of contemporary romance. With its engaging plot, compelling performances, and thought-provoking themes, the play offers a captivating cinematic experience that lingers long after the “credits roll.”

Roxie and Cy (by Ella, Maria & Ylvi)

The sixth graders of BG/BRG Sillgasse watched the play "Roxie and Cy" at the Congress Centre Innsbruck. In the play, a boy with a disfigured face named Cy helps the fitness instructor, Chris, to win the heart of his childhood best friend, Roxie. Plot twist: He's actually in love with her himself. We recommend watching the play because it was really entertaining and fun to watch! The play addressed a really important topic about people only going after looks nowadays, even though for Roxie, looks don't really matter.

The play was really good overall, but we think the ending was a little bit rushed. We would have wished for the end to be more detailed, not open-ended, and to give us a glimpse into the future. However, the performance was very well done, and we had a great time watching it.