Sammlung kultureller Erfahrungen in Florenz
Am Dienstag stand unser kultureller Tag an. Wir standen früh auf, um dann in die Uffizien zu gehen. Dort erhielten wir Kopfhörer und bekamen anschließend eine sehr interessante Führung, mit welcher wir mit voller Begeisterung durch das Museum gingen. Wir sahen viele Gemälde, wobei uns „Die Geburt der Venus“ von Botticelli am meisten faszinierte. Nach den Uffizien machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Dom, um die Kuppel zu besteigen. Vollkommen außer Atem kamen wir nach dem Beklettern der schmalen Wendeltreppe mit über 400 Stufen oben an. Als wir dann aber den Ausblick sahen, wussten wir, dass sich die Anstrengung gelohnt hatte. Mit Vorfreude auf das folgende Mittagessen machten wir uns nach dem Genuss des Ausblickes auf den Weg nach unten. Am Nachmittag trafen wir uns alle an „unserem“ Platz nahe dem Dom, um dann in unseren Gruppen in verschiedene Museen zu gehen. Für unsere Gruppe stand die Galleria dell‘Academia an. Wir besichteten viele verschiedene Stuatuen, wobei die bekannteste der David ist. Da unsere Gruppe aus Musiker:innen bestand, faszinierte uns der Raum mit den vielen verschiedenen alten Instrumenten am meisten. Nach dem Abendessen bekamen wir nochmals Freizeit und wir ließen den Tag bei einem Eis am Fluss ausklingen.
Michael, Klara, Lea und Theresa, 6A
Martedì abbiamo fatto un sacco di cose. The day started like the others with a relatively good breakfast. Satisfied we then went to the cathedral and from there on to the Uffizi. There we were divided into our two groups and had a great tour through the museum. We were given interesting information and the view at the “Ponte Vecchio” was great.
After the visit to the Uffizi we quickly went to the cathedral, because we had a timeslot to enter there. We gave our bags to two teachers and went into the huge cathedral. We had to go through a security check and then the ascent began. Stairs after stairs we went higher and higher and at some point we were at the top, it felt like we were on the “roof”. From there you could see everything, far into the horizon. Unfortunately we did not have much time and had to go back to the ground soon.
Dopo questi due grandi punti programmatici abbiamo fatto una lunga pausa pranzo, in cui siamo andati a mangiare in piccoli gruppi e abbiamo fatto un po 'di shopping. We also met up with the Italian students and explored the parts of the city that only “real Italians” know with them. Afterwards we interviewed them as a part of our project “Youth in Florence”. We had a lot of time to ask young people what they do in their free time and where they meet etc. Nel frattempo, abbiamo anche dato un'occhiata in alcuni negozi e comprato souvenir.
This program filled the afternoon and we went back to the hotel for dinner. After that we had free time again and walked, once again, through beautiful Florence. We discovered funny and beautiful shops such as a shop with only squeaky ducks or a shop with very delicious chocolate, to which we often went to get samples. Of course we also had an ice cream for dessert and then made our way back to the hotel to go to sleep. We wanted to be ready for the next day.
Jakob, & Paula, 6B und Magdalena, 6C